Advanced user rights in 3DPrinterOS

Advanced users have the same rights as regular users without any exceptions, by default.

You may grant extra rights to the Advanced Users in the Organization Admin - Settings tab. If you've limited the Advanced/Expert tabs in the Slicers for regular users, you may dismiss those for advanced users

  • If you have limited Regular users with printing time, you can dismiss it for Advanced users
  • You can grant access to the Q&A feature answers to Advanced users
Don't forget to provide access to necessary printers for Advanced Users so they'll be able to see the jobs in the queue
  • You can grant access for Advanced Users, so they can manage the Printer settings
  • You can grant access for Advanced Users, to manage the setting ''Build tray is clear'' with 2 different options
    • Only with Can print access
    • With any type of the access
Don't forget to provide access to necessary printers for Advanced Users so they'll be able to manage them

How to grant the Advanced role to a User

  1. Go to the Users in Organization Admin tab
  2. Find the user you want to give permissions to
  3. Click on the Checkbox in the Advanced column next to the user

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