Workgroup Moderators in 3DPrinterOS

Workgroup Moderator Capabilities

  1. a WM is able to create and manage a workgroup
  2. a WM is able to add his printer to the workgroup
  3. a WM is able to manage the printing process of his workgroup members like an Organization Admin 
  4. a WM is able to manage his workgroup(s) user(s)
  5. a WM has limited access to the Organization history. He can only see his workgroups users' jobs.
  6. a WM has limited access to Organization Reports (he is able to see the reports for only the data that concerns his workgroup users)
  7. a WM has limited access to slicing profiles. He can create and make them available only for his workgroups users.
  8. a WM is not able to manage Organization Admins (except balance and quota if they belong to his workgroup)
  9. a WM has no access to org settings
  10. a WM has no access to organization project status workflows
  11. a WM has no access to other organization workgroups
  12. a WM has no access to other organization users
Other organization user limits are not applied for workgroup moderators

How to add a Workgroup Moderator

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There are two ways to add workgroup moderators:

  1. When creating a new user
    1. Go to the Users management page
    2. Click Add User at the top-right corner of the table
    3. Enter user's email and select Role – Workgroup Moderator
  2. Or by granting rights to an existing user
    1. Go to the Users management page
    2. Find the user you want to grant rights to
    3. Click on the User Rights Column
    4. Select Role – Workgroup Moderator

How to assign a Workgroup Moderator to a specific workgroup

  1. Navigate to Organization Admin - Workgroups
  2. Find the workgroup you want to assign to a WM and click Manage
  3. Go to the Moderators tab in the pop-up window
  4. Select the checkbox for the user you want to assign as the admin
a WM can create their own workgroup and add members to the organization

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